A Match Made in Heaven!
Dire Straits (Their Debut)
This past weekend I broke out some vinyl circa 1978/79. Dire Straits debut came on the scene during a time there wasn’t much on the radio that even remotely sounded the same. Comedian Steve Martin once said something to the effect, “be so damn good you’re impossible to ignore.” Mark Knopfler and his band did exactly that when they hit the scene. I never met anyone who didn’t tip their hat to the, as Rolling Stone rock critic Ken Tucker described, the “inescapable hook” of Sultans of Swing and Knopfler’s Dylanesque vocals.
Lucinda Williams – Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
Hard to believe it was just over 20 years ago when I drove down to see friends in Houston, TX. Boy, does time sure fly by. I was thinking about that trip recently as I pulled up Lucinda Williams’ Car Wheels on a Gravel Road record the other day.
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash. What an iconic intro.
I’m Vinyl Guy and I’m back and breaking out some classics. The past few weeks I have been spinning Johnny’s live At Folsom Prison. Oh, what a treat. It never gets old. Johnny wrote Folsom Prison Blues in the mid-fifties and had wanted to do a live prison show. His...
True story. I thought, what the heck, I’ll just call the guy.
It was November 1992. I had grabbed the latest record from REM titled Automatic for the People. It was one of those recordings that didn’t need to grow on me at all, I loved it straight away. I was in the truck driving back for the evening, after a long day of...
Simplicity is always in
Lately I have been listening to a lot of Peter Gabriel. Of course, it got me thinking about beer. Lagers have never gone out of style, but they have been living in the shadows of the IPA craze and the next limited barrel aged beer release. Recently though, I’ve seen...
Cheers to Canada!
Last Saturday I was on my porch, and grabbed a LaBatt Blue. Mmmm good. I was in a bit of a restless mood, since it was mid day, nice weather, and I felt the need to do something. I didn’t move from my hammock for a good hour, but eventually felt a sense of guilt. I am...
Jimi Hendrix, Dragonflies and Beaches
Spring is here, and warmer weather cannot get here soon enough. Over the past week I checked in on Facebook and noticed a lot of friends spending their spring break down south. Beaches, beaches, and more beaches! The photos were amazing (but I was still cold!). So, I...
Pabst Blue Ribbon & The Allman Brothers Band – A Perfect Pair
At Fillmore East by the Allman Brothers is widely considered one of the greatest live albums ever recorded. Four sides of vinyl, with seven songs, highlights the confidence the band had and its desire to showcase themselves in their natural habitat—the stage. A band...